Credits and Background

This project was originally made by me KDot227. I made this project as a way to learn powershell and to better my cybersecurity skills as a red teamer and to make a stealer that was easy for anyone to use. One day out of nowhere an amazing person named Chainski made a pullrequest and from then on I have been putting a LOT more time into this project. Kematian at the time of writing this gets about 400 downloads a day and has a thriving community of young pen testers and ethical hackers.

The following people in some way shape or form contributed to the project.

  • KDot227 (me and creator)

  • Chainski (literally the only reason this project continues to get updates because he adds cool stuff and I feel obligated to do the same)

  • CodePulze (Gave plently of Anti Debug methods and helped with the Critical Process Code)

  • Ebthit (homie who changed like 1 thing lol but we still love him)

Last updated